Sunday, January 15, 2012

Occupy Nigeria: No Going Back

Nigeria as a nation has reached a breaking point. The plundering of the country's resources by enemies from within and from the outside has got to strop. With consistent broken promises, unimaginable level of corruption, favoritism and nepotism coupled with worrisome level of human rights abuses, Nigeria dealers (not leaders, as they would like to call themselves), should not expect people to remain docile and naive while they are made to wallow in abject poverty.

It beggars belief that despite apparent reality that total secrecy in governance can no longer be maintained in the modern time, thanks to amazing developments in communication technology, the government officials in Nigeria think that they can still continue to fool a population of over 170 million people and expect no civil disobedience in return.

What is so baffling is that the current Minister of Finance trying to preach to Nigerians to accept a self inflicted poverty orchestrated by a government that is deemed to be one of the most expensive government to maintain in the world. The minister herself is an employee of the World Bank and an ally of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a cash strapped organisation that is renown for exploiting developing countries to the advantage of its super rich lenders.

The earlier Nigeria disengages itself from these oppressive and exploitative organisations and financial clubs, the better. Further business interactions with these agencies will only lead the country into financial doom. It is high time Federal government start thinking of implementing programmes that have direct benefits to the masses rather than trying making life more unbearable to them.

The efforts of the labour leaders in checking the excesses of the government should be commended. Also commendable are the efforts of the human right activists; the likes of Femi Falana, Olisa Agbakoba and others. As David Cameron of the Great Britain will say, we are all in this together.


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